A £10m programme is helping people safely swap four wheels for two in the East of England.

As part of Highways England’s Cycle, Safety and Integration Designated Funds programme, 19 cycling schemes have been constructed in the region since 2015 while a further 11 are expected to be completed by the end of this month.

Smoother cycle paths, safer crossings and better signage to connect the cycle network that criss-crosses the region have all been created.

“We want to make sure that our roads in the East create opportunities for cyclists, not barriers to journeys,” said Highways England Regional Director, Martin Fellows.

“Our vision five years ago was to create better and improved cycling facilities that are safe and separate from traffic, which encourages cycling as a sustainable form of transport and make everyday journeys as easy as possible.”

The work in the East of England is part of Highways England’s £175m fund to provide improvements and new facilities which make it safer and easy for cyclists and pedestrians to negotiate its roads. So far 101 new schemes have been built nationwide.

Further details on the latest cycleway upgrades are available on the Highways England webpage.