The role of the company in improving road safety will be debated during an international conference taking place in Paris on June 20-21.

La Prévention Routière Internationale and La Prévention Routière Française are organizing “Road Safety: a responsibility of the company?” to highlight how investing in company road safety can have a positive impact not only on reducing the number of deaths, but on a company’s “notoriety, competitiveness and creation of wealth”.

“The professional world is often the missing part of road safety campaigns. However, statistics bring us back to the reality that can’t be ignored: traffic crashes at work environment remains by far the first fatal risk of accident at work,” state the event organizers. “Employees are becoming more and more mobile, both in terms of their professional activity and to get to work. It’s very known also, everywhere in the world, the growth of urbanism is lengthening the distance between home and work place.

“However, there are many devices and methods to combat this scourge, starting from the organization of travel to the use of equipment and new technologies predicting the risk, through awareness and training of drivers to good practices.”

Download the event flyer for more details.