A road safety organisation has launched a ‘pollen plan’ to help keep hay fever sufferers safe behind the wheel.

Some hay fever treatments can be dangerous for drivers, because their sedative effect can leave a sufferer feeling fatigued, dizzy or groggy.

GEM Motoring Assist has issued the following safety checklist for any driver likely to need hay fever medicine:

Prescription: if a medicine you’re taking may cause drowsiness, don’t drive.

Over the counter: it’s not just prescription medicines that can cause drowsiness.

Label: check for drowsiness warnings on any medicines you’re taking

Look for alternatives: if you need to drive and a particular medicine is making you drowsy, ask about other drugs without these side-effects

Enquire: check with your doctor or pharmacist if a medicine could affect your ability to drive. This applies to medicines you can buy over the counter as well as prescription drugs.

New drug: be particularly careful if you are using a medicine for the first time.