Consumer Reports (CR) and the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) have teamed up for the first time to recommend the safest, most reliable and affordable used vehicles for teen drivers.

In recent years, both organizations have released lists of recommended vehicles for teenagers, using slightly different selection criteria. Now the two have joined forces to make it easier for young drivers or their parents when buying a car.

The list of 65 recommended used vehicles has been put together after considering several criteria including price, reliability, performance and safety.

The IIHS says teenagers are among the riskiest drivers, but frequently end up with vehicles that don’t provide adequate protection in a crash, and often drive old cars that lack modern safety features like side airbags.

The cars in the list have been divided into “good choices” and “best choices”, which offer a slightly higher level of safety, and range in price from $5,300 to $19,600.

“Our focus has always been safety, as reflected in our vehicle ratings, but we recognize that a lot of other factors go into families’ purchasing decisions,” said IIHS President David Harkey.

“This partnership with Consumer Reports will help new drivers and their parents zero in on the best used vehicles overall.”