

Empowering organisations to take control of their climate impact by helping drivers minimise CO2 emissions/EV battery consumption and safely return home to their loved ones each day

Mentor by eDrivingSM strengthens its commitment to helping organisations reduce their environmental footprint by up to 20% with the launch of EcoDrive. An optional add-on in the Mentor smartphone app, EcoDrive:

  • Utilises unique pattern-AI technology trained through over 7 billion real-world trips to accurately identify a driver’s environmental impact in near real-time;
  • Enables precise identification of a driver’s environmental impact
    by measuring savings in CO2 emissions and EV battery consumption;
  • Provides uniform measurement of environmental impact, enabling evaluation of drivers’ eco performance;
  • Helps organisations more accurately report on their ESG (Environmental, Social & Governance) initiatives and CO2 emissions/EV battery consumption.

Proven Impact

eDriving’s smartphone-based Mentor programme identifies and remediates drivers’ risky, less eco-friendly habits behind the wheel with 300+ micro-training lessons, coaching, and gamification, achieving up to an 89% reduction in risky driver behaviour over 18 months. Shown to decrease CO2 emissions and EV battery consumption by up to 20%, EcoDrive is available in eDriving’s flagship Mentor business solution.


ESG reporting made easy

Savings in CO2 emissions and EV battery consumption

Uniformity and transparency

Up to 20% reduction in CO2 emissions/EV battery consumption

Enhanced sustainability efforts

Greater ownership of climate impact

Real-time environmental impact

Industry-leading AI analysis

Seamless integration in app

Gold standard driver privacy protection

Validation over 7 billion trips

eDriving + Greater Than =
A Powerful Partnership

Greater Than’s climate impact scoring technology is yet another example of how eDriving’s Mentor partner ecosystem brings together the best of the best into one world-class solution focused on driver risk management, safety, and sustainability. FICO’s Safe Driving Score and now Greater Than’s climate impact scoring technology continue to evolve and sustain Mentor’s unique value proposition supporting the world’s largest enterprise organisations. An effective partnership driven by a shared vision of helping drivers return home safely at the end of each day and keep the world moving forward in a sustainable way.


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