One in eight of all road casualties is caused by people who drive too close to the vehicle in front, according to new research.

Highways England says that while a small minority of tailgating is deliberate, most is unintentional by drivers who are unaware that they are dangerously invading someone else’s space. To help raise awareness, Highways England has launched a safety campaign based on the popular Space Invader video game. The campaign is supported by former Formula 1 world champion Nigel Mansell, President of the Institute of Advanced Motorists RoadSmart.

“Tailgating is a driving habit I utterly deplore. Not only is it aggressive and intimidating, but it can lead to a crash with a tragic outcome,” said Mansell. “There is absolutely no upside to it – you will not get to your destination faster, you are not a skilled driver for doing it, and you are putting so many innocent people at risk. So I very much back this campaign to highlight the dangers of tailgating.”

Nearly nine out of 10 people say they have either been tailgated or seen it, according to Highways England. More than a quarter of drivers admit to tailgating.

“If you get too close to the car in front, you won’t be able to react and stop in time if they suddenly brake,” said Richard Leonard, Head of Road Safety at Highways England. “Tailgating makes the driver in front feel targeted and victimised, distracting their attention from the road ahead and making them more likely to make a mistake.”

View the campaign video below.Ø