The Fifth UN Global Road Safety Week takes place 6-12 May 2019 with the theme: “leadership for road safety.”
This theme acknowledges that stronger leadership is needed to advance road safety in countries and communities worldwide.
The goal of the Week is to generate a demand from the public for stronger leadership for road safety worldwide. Its objectives are to:
- Provide an opportunity for civil society to generate demands for strong leadership for road safety, especially around concrete, evidence-based interventions which will save lives
- Inspire leaders to act by showcasing examples of strong leadership for road safety within governments, international agencies, NGOs, foundations, schools and universities, and private companies, among others
Targeted primarily at civil society organizations and policy-makers in charge of road safety, the lead up to the Week will follow a phased approach highlighting the risks people face on their daily travels – “this is my journey”; the demands they generate based on these risks – “this is my demand”; and the ways that forceful and compelling leaders can work with them to address these demands – “this is our solution”.
Resources to help get involved in, and promote, UN Global Road Safety Week are available below.