Dr. Will Murray, eDriving FLEET’s Research Director and www.onemoresecond.net’s resident road safety expert, has passed away suddenly from an undiagnosed illness.
Throughout his accomplished career as an international occupational road safety expert, Will was motivated by a relentless passion for helping clients measure and maximize the impact of their safety programs.
As Research Director of Interactive Driving Systems and subsequently eDriving FLEET, Will was not only committed to results and efficacy, but was driven by a need to demonstrate outcome. His dedication resulted in over 70 client and partner awards, recognising the significant results organisations have achieved with the company’s Virtual Risk Manager product.
Will was also instrumental in supporting the company’s benchmarking conferences over the past 10 years. Facilitating exchanges of success stories, case studies and industry metrics brought him immense satisfaction.
It all started with Interactive Driving Systems’ groundbreaking research study in the mid-90’s in partnership with Will while he was at the University of Huddersfield in the UK. Will helped the company demonstrate the statistical correlation between drivers’ performance on VRM’s RoadRISK® Assessment and their reported collision outcomes. As a direct result of Will’s efforts, fleet managers could accurately predict a driver’s risk and the related likelihood of being involved in a collision – a breakthrough in fleet risk reduction that allowed fleet managers to proactively intervene with training and support to help prevent collisions ahead of time.
To date, over a million drivers have borne out the results of Will’s research.
Just this summer, Will completed a bike ride from London to Paris to raise money for Brake’s road safety and sustainable mobility efforts. justgiving.com/drwillmurray
Will leaves behind his wife Marie and two sons, Sam and Joe.
Ed Dubens, Executive Vice President of eDriving FLEET, said: “Our relationship with Will and his family extends over 20 exciting years. Some of our clients were fortunate to know Will this long as well. Even those who had only known Will for a short time or those who had interacted with him briefly at a conference no doubt came away recognizing the complex and compassionate genius he was. Everyone who came in contact with Will always enjoyed every minute they spent with him. His charisma and congeniality were unrivalled and his passion for our industry and saving lives was palpable in every conversation.
“As we mourn Will’s passing, we pause to honor not only his professional accomplishments but his many personal ones as well. Our thoughts are, of course, with his family at this incredibly sad time.
“We will celebrate Will’s life every day, by forging on in our efforts to help our clients reduce collisions and injuries and save lives”