Driver monitoring systems with cameras are more successful at keeping motorists focused on the road than those with steering wheel detection, according to new research by the AAA.

The organization says there have been “numerous instances” of drivers misusing the systems since their introduction, by watching videos, working, sleeping, or even climbing into the backseat.

“This behavior can go undetected by the vehicle and, in some cases, result in deadly crashes,” stated the AAA.

To prevent such activities, vehicles with the technology monitor drivers using either a camera-based system, which watches their face, or a system that monitors steering wheel movements. AAA testers drove four popular makes and models in real-world conditions on a California highway to evaluate these systems’ effectiveness.

Key research findings include:

  • Camera-based systems alerted disengaged drivers 50 seconds sooner and were more persistent when the driver was looking down with head facing forward, hands off the wheel.
  • Camera-based systems alerted disengaged drivers 51 seconds sooner when the driver was facing away from the road, looking at the center console, with hands off the wheel.
  • On average, the percent of time test drivers were engaged was approximately five times greater for camera-based systems than for steering wheel systems.
  • Steering wheel monitoring required only minimal input to prevent system alerts, allowing up to 5.65 continuous minutes of distraction (at 65 mph, equivalent to over 6 miles of disengaged driving). In comparison, camera-based systems allowed 2.25 minutes of distraction during the ten-minute long test drive.

However even after issuing multiple warnings of inattentive driving, both systems failed to disable the semi-autonomous features.

“Regardless of brand names or marketing claims, vehicles available for purchase today are not capable of driving themselves,” said Greg Brannon, Director of AAA’s Automotive Engineering and Industry Relations. “Driver monitoring systems are a good first step to preventing deadly crashes, but they are not foolproof.”