A new report has found the peak time for serious injuries among motorcyclists is between May and September.
The research published by the Road Safety Authority, which looked at data between 2019 and 2023, also found the highest number of serious injuries take place in June and the highest number of fatalities take place in July.
Eight in ten motorcycle casualties were injured in daylight, with one third of casualties injured between 4pm and 8pm. Sunday was highlighted as the most dangerous day with 20 per cent of casualties occurring on that day.
Multiple vehicle collisions accounted for over two thirds of casualties with failure to observe reported as the most frequently noted action for both the motorcyclist and the other driver involved.
“Motorcyclists are especially vulnerable road users, this vulnerability increases during spring and summer months when we see more motorcycles on our roads,” said An Garda Síochána Assistant Commissioner Roads Policing and Community Engagement, Paula Hilman.
“So far this year there has been ten motorcyclists killed on Irish roads. We would appeal to all road users to look out for motorcycles on the roads and we would encourage motorcyclists to ensure that their bikes are properly maintained, regularly serviced and that they travel within the appropriate speed limits.”