Western Cape Government’s transport department has launched a television commercial which aims to reduce speeding-related crashes.

Part of the department’s Safely Home campaign, “The Knock On Effect” encourages drivers to knock five kilometres off their speed.

“By raising awareness of the facts about speed, Safely Home aims to help motorists make the safe choice and slow down,” said Donald Grant, Minister of Transport and Public Works. “The knock on effects of a crash are devastating for the family of all the victims. Because road crash victims are so often breadwinners, the heartbreak and psychological devastation of losing a loved one is multiplied by economic hardship.”

Road safety issues, including speeding, have been subjected to scientific analysis for nearly one hundred years and a vast body of research has been developed. The consensus of road safety best practice is:

  • The faster you drive, the worse the crash will be due to the greater force involved.
  • The faster you drive, the higher the likelihood of your being in a crash due to having less time to react to unexpected hazards.
  • Even small decreases in average speed travelled equals many lives saved.
  • Driving more slowly gives motorists more time to react to unexpected events, and exponentially increases the chance of avoiding a collision.
  • At 65kph, the stopping distance of an ordinary sedan car is approximately 20% further than at 60kph. This can mean the difference between life and death, especially for vulnerable road users like pedestrians.
