To make this process a success, Nestlé Mexico and eDriving partnered around the following industry leading project implementation process:
- Designated a committee for the VRM implementation.
- Customised all program materials including Nestlé Safe Driving Policies, Golden Rules and Pledge to local language, cultural needs, policies and standards.
- Training on the use of VRM tool for all relevant Managers and Supervisors.
- Unlimited support from Nestlé leadership through designated Vice President as project ‘Champion’, supported with a notice addressed to all personnel informing them about the importance of the project.
- Creation of local ‘Call Center’ for direct technical support for VRM participants.
- Development of a collision/incident registry system for monitoring.
- Use of all marketing and communication channels to promote a Safe Driving Culture.
- Recurrent meetings with the implementation committee to review progress, participation and follow up.
Nestlé Mexico, worked particularly closely with eDriving’s Mexico City-based Regional Operations Manager for Latin America, Estrella Bonales. The focus has been on a phased VRM roll-out for three important groups of drivers: (1) Employees who drive company vehicles, (2) Contractors driving a company vehicle and (3) Contractors driving their own vehicles.
This program followed the proven global Nestlé / eDriving partnership based approach, customised to local needs for Mexico into the following phased program.
- Phase 1: Safety Culture: Customised online Nestlé Privacy Notice, Safety Pledge and Risk Foundation modules to ensure all Managers and drivers understand what is required of them in relation to road safety.
- Phase 2: Defensive Driver Coaching: Incorporating online RiskCOACH: 10-4 DEFENSE module to bring all drivers up to a basic level of defensive driving.
- Phase 3: Driver Risk Assessment: applying RoadRISK to assess each driver’s exposure and attitude.
- Phase 4: RiskCOACH: Relevant online coaching modules focusing on issues such as attitude, speed and driver distraction rolled-out as required.
- Phase 5: Benchmarking: On-going use of the VRM online DataHUB management information system including the DriverINDEX and driver / Manager OneToOne process.
The outcomes from this innovative management-led, partnership-based program are reflected in reductions in fatalities (3 to 0), injuries (48%), collisions (39%), claims frequency (22%) and costs over 12 months.
Another measureable outcome from the project has seen Nestlé Mexico/ eDriving invited to share its results with others by presenting the following paper:
- Bonales E, Dubens E & Murray W. Driver risk assessment, monitoring and improvement for at-work drivers in Latin America. Paper invited for presentation at the 30th Congress of the International Commission on Occupational Health (ICOH), March 18-23, 2012, Cancun, Mexico
As well as safety improvements and cost reductions, these outcomes are excellent for Nestlé for a number of brand, reputational and corporate reasons. They are also good for road safety in general by helping to raise the importance and potential of work-related road safety at the national level and by sharing proven good practices with others.
Overall, the Nestlé Mexico case shows that:
- Work related road safety is a significant risk, and an important conduit for community road safety.
- Using driver risk assessment, monitoring & improvement programs to help create a crash free culture has potential for both business and road safety policy.
- Effective tools, leadership and partnerships are for vital for successful work-related programs.